They are bringing back chests but wont let me play
Ruining league champions with one change. Day 3, Akali. P.S. don’t know if it would even ruin her, since her kit is kinda op.
[fluff] I used to pray for times like this
So i made a new account to play on pc and this was my first pulls lol. [fluff]
This game is really testing my patience
chat it might be over for my fire rate
I hate when this happen, forgetting things when you go through a door
Wath is the chance
Is it just me or fated should be giving everyone their buff? I put kindred so u can see as multiplier is unaffected
Why is f continuous
Where is the ultra secret ?
Should I take Mom's knife? And if so, what should I ditch?
Help how do I play as Jacob and esau
Tainted Isaac First Floor
I got the Bible 3 times on one floor. Am I stupid?
I am confusion
The time has come 700h.
Chaos moment
why do i easily lose to lower levels in arena?
how in the world did i get repetance free? i just boot up the game and boom here i see repetance (did not crack it, i own the game)
How did he do it in 6 secs?
How do I win the skirmish raid?
Proof is left as an exercise for readers
I have a math joke but I haven't proven it yet
how is this permaban worthy? was just testing out a new build...