What does the hiring process look like?
I’m not an economist. But after educating myself on the subject, I’ve realized it has become incredibly superficial. Let me explain.
If you are gonna smoke up before working out stop smelling so loud
Calling singers "inappropriate" when kids aren't the target audience
What’s the point of having kids in life?
How many have given up on having kids?
My son had an epic birthday party.
2nd interview tomorrow but I kinda hate PetSmart… I just want experience with animals
Write ups
What are easy minimum wage jobs an elderly can do?
Might be a little controversial
What’s the chance of a salon leader gettting picked over the ASL for the new position?
Going back to college at 34. I dropped out at 17-18.
Was this a looksmatched couple?
Should I leave the drug test to chance?
Almost 30 with no ambition. Feel like a loser.
My girlfriend (F25) received a d*ckpic from a friend and she's underestimating the matter. I (M29) asked her to cut every contact with this guy.
This textured flooring is a filthy horror show.
Outfit if the day in cold Denmark
25F Realistically what job can I get that pays over $20 an hour that's physically easy and doesn't require a degree?
Am I allowed to enter the building alone when opening?
Feet pics
Going to a casual brunch. Which jacket should I wear?
What show were you obsessed with when you could only watch weekly that now on binge rewatch is not as good?