dinner's ready
Who’s Your Favorite NPC?
What song has you like this
gas station burritos, half day old chili and gas station cheese (with leftover tortilla chip crumbs)
Mom made breakfast
I call it my dog food slop breakfast and I eat it every day
H: Trade W: Courier
[PS4] H: Traveling Leather Coat W:FCJS
[Ps4] H: FCJS W: Glowing Masks
H: Glowing Scorched Beast & Glowing Honey Beast Mask W: Forest Camo Jump Suit
[PS4] H: Glowing Scorched Beast & Glowing Honey Beast Mask W: Forest Camo Jump Suit
[PS4] H:Trade W:Courier
H:Bosjs W:Gat Plas Plans
[Ps4] H: fcjs W: leaders or apparel offers
Trying to solo En06 and I keep dying
[PS4] H: FCJS W: Offers but no mod offers
My date cancelled 2 hrs before we were supposed to meet
Raids is Hard, Send help!
What level are you and what gun do you carry?
H: TFJ + GSBQ W: Pick A Number Between 1-500
What small things you've learned just by playing?
H: giveaway- fasch masks. W: nothing. Its been a fun trading experience. 1-75 I’ll sort the winners tonight or tomorrow when the numbers are all gone. We’ll just go in order to avoid repeat numbers. Three winners. Rngod Howard bless you
I hate fucking crickets
(ps) H: Loon Mask W: TFJ