Which game do you spend the most time on?
What do I say?
How tf do I get to this area?
Daily rewards should be exchangable for crown gems.
A book about a girl who ends up on her estranged family farm. It's heartwarming and gives off a "finding yourself' vibe.
[TOMT] [BOOK] A book (I think) about a woman who goes to estranged family's farm
A book (?) About a girl going to a farm
I just got smashed and grabbed
I don't know if I can do this anymore
I can't remember if I put a tampon in
What cheat code for a game is burned into your brain?
HATE pushing back my cuticles, any alternatives?
Which nail shape on me?
I dreamed my nephew died
Do these give more duck nails than square?
What should I reply to this?
Who are we, us the long dark players?
Left joystick only works as a mouse
A Gift for Xmas
Uninstalled game still in installed apps
Never seen so many in one post
I didn't even know this was a thing
Third time's a... tragedeigh.
Crafting is so satisfactory!
How do you decide what to take with you?