Who will become the strongest?
Which team wins?
Which fusion would win?
Which Death Battle S10 winner would win?
Scp verse vs Anime verse
Who wins this one
Batman runs the split gauntlet. How far does he go in each path?
Chat GPT vs Bill cipher, who wins?
Who wins?
Who's winning?
Sukuna with 12 hours prep versus 69 Vigintillion Tigers, who wins?
Who would win?
Who was winning this magical girl fight
Which sprinter is winning the fight?
Gojo vs Makima (The Last Time)
Comment any character and decide where to put them in this template.
Homelander VS Mr Incredible
Where do we scale The Crimson King?
Where does Boruto stops ?
Who would win: Scarlet Bum, Sister Leveling MC, or the blue-haired femboy?
Who takes this match up?