Give me your favorite song that isn’t too well known for some reason
Picture of a bird i took
Make Asylums Great Again
Found this at a thrift shop the other day.
This mountain background in super Mario world,
Just saw it after the chair guy
This thrash can
Let's eat....
Fish Dicks
Cheeto anyone?
The Back Of Mt. Rushmore
I hate my mind..
Excuse me, are you gonna eat that?
What song is playing?
Songs about mental health struggles, but with an uplifting melody
Same person?
Soos slander
I found a Confederate flag while driving through Virginia
I made Bad Apple in SFS (in realtime)
What is the opposite of no?
SFAH: Very inaccurate sex education
What song does this image remind you of?
I had some Murdoc Niccals memes and had to share