Är SD MAGA-anhängare?
Do you skip fusions even if you have the resources?
I’m glad I decided to skip this fusion
Daniel Greene Allegations
Begginer question, should i start over again
Hur hade ni ställt er till en bojkott av amerikanska tjänster och varor?
Are chubby girls really that much of a turn off ?
Most silver I've ever spent, did I screw up?
Were we the last generation to “party hard” in our 20’s?
why does my toragi deal more damage in clan boss?
People who grew up with him, what are you opinions about this entire situation?
My arbiter mission still says 2 but I have 5 artifacts equipped and are level 5
Hur mycket betalar ni för vatten?
Min redan snygga sambo vill skönhetsopereras och är arg för att jag inte stöttar det
guys, what do i do with this piece?
Who would you equip this?
This is why financial literacy is more important than ever.
Daddy Dedelin
Anyone else have terrible luck on 2x voids?
Vafan är det för fel på folk i r/Sverige?
Who to book? Fenax or Genbo? Or someone else
1+1 is better than 2x
On my 3rd shard... Just pulled for my 3 daily summons....
So About hydra quick battles
Don't fall for this Primal event