Question for Muslims who live in Non-Muslim countries and countries with no sharia law
“Reviving the Simplicity of Nikah(A marriage of blessings, not burdens)
Nikah should be EASY for both men and women (comments on the previous post)
What would you do if your spouse turned out to be a zaniyah?
Women hating on men marriage outside
Valentine’s Day, inspiring
What should I do with my dad?
inspiring, funny
What caused the decline of black sitcoms in the 90s and early 2000s?
Are men just made for working
Muslims youths who were sexually traumatized often find it hard to have a normal marriage.
Why is it so hard to find a woman who doesn't consume p*rn?
Talaq Tafwid - muslimah initiate divorce condition in her marriage contract
How different would it be for someone from the west to marry someone from Pakistan
Single muslim mothers & marriage
Put conditions on allowance and financial security in your nikkah contract. Take from husband’s wealth without his permission is allowed if he’s stingy
Issues with SIL and no boundaries. In need of serious advice, my mental health is at stake.
someone needs to say this
How common is it for Muslim men to watch porn?
Ladies, Secure the Bag (and the Property, and the Savings) – Because Sacrifice Won't Pay the Bills
My 24 year old sister is looking for a proposal in Pakistan but her past still affects her.
How bad is it to visit spouse with just Nikkah and not ruksuti?