How did Anyone afford Berkshire Hathaway.A Before the advent of fractional shares? I just don’t understand, 700,000 for one share?
The Democrats Suck... In Messaging
Bill Burr on Elon Musk
What's a positive negative?
Seeking Guidance: Should I Persist with GAMSAT or Explore Alternative Pathways?
Matt Gaetz Withdraws from AG Pick
David Packman Eviscerates Piers Morgan (kinda late)
Started collecting 0.004 seconds ago, still an infant. Any suggestions?
GAMSAT S1 and S3
Section 2 grammar and spelling
Interview Shortlisted Dates
Longest lasting scent in your collection
Are these good?
What is the earliest you have heard of someone getting into a competitive specialty and what did it take?
BSOD when moving my laptop
Acer Online Practise S3 - got smoked
S3 Improvement
Why do we treat black holes differently than any other object?
How was Destiny wrong about the attack??
Oldest Toyota 86 to buy
Morning session
Silly mistakes in S3
ACER Practice material E-exam 2024
Lenovo laptop c930 BSOD