Feeling faint and panicking while driving
Old Radio Shows in Orlando
NA Beer Laws/Acceptability (Florida or anywhere for that matter)
Happy February!
I don’t even feel like drinking today
Heavy Beer Drinker Quit Now The Taste of Beer Isn't as Appealing.
Not drinking tonight
Last few days and just want to say that I'm impressed with everyone who said YES to DJ!
Titan T-3 Space Saving Rack
Coming back around to the BVD possibility - Driving is TOUGH
BVD and driving
Plans moving forward?
Miscounted and spent the last two days thinking it was the last weekend of the month
I laughed.
Halfway Done -- Before/After Health Metrics
Dang it. Stupid proof that booze is bad for you.
Anybody planning on getting hammered Feb 1st?
Humble Beginnings
Cranberry Fizz mocktail
4pm Saturday is the hardest for me
Viking Fan here - Van Ginkel
Well this stinks - got a New Year's gift from a client...
Time for a shot and beer chaser