Most spoken language family in each country
Number of immigrants to the US per 100,000 people (2022)
Number of active volcanoes since 1960 CE.
What year will it be on January 1, 2025 in different countries?
What kind of belief is most popular among the religious group in your country?
Air Quality Index per capita (Blue is cleaner, Red is dirtier)
Language families mainly spoken in one or two countries with an unique script
Crime density (Number of crimes per land area)
Top 100 cuisines in the world, based on average user ratings on TasteAtlas for their respective top 50 highest-rated dishes and foods
In Your Opinion, What City Do You Think is Geographically in the Worst Location?
English Proficiency Index 2024
Skin whitening Vs Sun Tanning Complex.
Population density in india
Largest Asian nationality in each European country
Guess my country based on the countries I've visited
Countries that use their own unique script/writing system
Depression rate by country
Emmigration rate compared to Japan
Top 10 European Countries by Land Area:
Ranking Countries by Biodiversity
What should purple be?
Best Asian
What’s a country where the native population is a minority?
Homicide rate in Europe and the USA
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