Ew, why does she make that face. Ugh.
Desk area??
Glad to see kidney stans are in for the ballet era
Was haben eine Eltern früher gemacht (was euch vielleicht genervt hat), wofür ihr heute super dankbar seid?
Deutschland fehlt mir mehr, als ich dachte
Local MEGA Coffee takes a stand against laptops
Claudia Art/ Overconsumption?
Braunes Langohr im Keller gefunden
Don't forget to do your Crack Caress™
consumerism final boss
Was war das tollste was je eure Eltern euch in die Butterbrotdose getan haben?
I did it folks
Embarrassing #wannabeballerina
Update on my ugly couch
Is NoBrand Burger Failing?
The interaction with my 2 year old kid by random mature ladies on the street is becoming very irksome.
Sollte ich mich an die Hausordnung halten obwohl es Andere nicht tun?
my beautiful girl margalo! adopted her one month after a front leg amputation💖
UPDATE: I was catfished for nearly a year. My life feels over.
Ich habe mal Katzenfutter probiert
Korean Mother-in-Law: Patronizing – Culture or Personal?
Aw somebody got a rose toy after moving cities for a situationship!
homesick during study abroad
podcast clips up for discussion
I can’t help myself