Wasatch Long/Short Alpha Fund Q4 2024 Performance: The Cost of a Low-Volatility Strategy?
Sell TSLA PUT, make $35K in one day, 45%
Market Took a Dive and You're Panicking? Maybe It's Your Strategy That's the Problem
Sell MSTR CALL $Gain92%
Fullsend SENS
Sold HOOD for a profit of over $11,000, nice day!
Sold SMCX for a 43% profit.
Big drop yesterday, bought SMCI calls, I've been waiting a long time, the satisfaction is as good as ejaculation, great
Bought SMCI yesterday. looks like I was right.
Looking at today’s market, I’m quickly liquidating everything.
APLD $$Gain13k
NBIS $$$Gain 22K I had seen the impending explosion last week and decisively bought calls and the stock stayed in place
$$ PLTR Options + Stocks Total Profit 230K
Finding joy in gambling, spy makes 535% profit
Pretend every trade you take is the first trade of the day!
5 Call Options TSLA Gets 7.7K in Profit
Should have sold at open.
PHIO Profits Cover SLRX Losses
Swing trade in CURR and make 15k profit!
Happy new year to me...
Tesla’s Annual EV Sales Decline for First Time in Over a Decade
Life Savings Lost On NVDA
I hope it's a wonderful Christmas
Tesla stock pops as Giga Austin visit has BofA bullish