I have an unusual qestion.
Wanted to take a piss but ended up running into this. Yes those are used condoms.
Only one song
What fan fave do you hate? I can't stand Angry Again. Got one?
Favorite Live Album?
Oh my god
what does my art taste like?
Is it just me or is Sml getting more racist in the most unfunny way?
What era of SML did you start watching it?
Dating apps and ect
What songs does Dave not play since he turned Christian?
Surely i wasnt the only one that played this?
Who else remembers these guys
Random shows from your childhood that you don’t see people talk about as much or at all?
Rate my tier list of tier lists
Anyone else watch this when you were like 5?
This will definitely get people talking
Dating apps, dating and ect
how to unfollow?
Megadeth songs over 200 bpm?
Added some stuff to the tank
Anybody else enjoy liberals whining about the name change?
Daily Song Discussion #169: Halo Effect