My hair is bad what haircut should I get
Is my face punchable
Would you listen to music with me
Am I chopped
Hey wanna I’m [14m] I have an Xbox and laptop anyone wanna play Minecraft or fallout with me
Do I look like sematary
[14M] I need friends
[14M] want someone to talk to
People said that they can’t tell if I’m a guy or girl
This is my face
This is me
What anime character should I cosplay
Which ones do you have?
Ah yes still no reasonable evidence to prove this wrong
Ah yes the most oppressed group (under 6ft gen z man)
Incels think it's selfish for short men to get married and have kids?
Do I look like a girl
Am I
I want a very large snow biome seed
Is it big?
14m ama
Anyone wanna dm me
Am I cooked
Guys be happy you don't live in Mississippi rn