What perfectly destroys pizza?
What instantly turns you away from someone?
Anyone have any cheap/old/cool/weird instruments to maybe sell me?
What would you do if at this moment you received a message from your ex telling you that he/she misses you?
Respectful Workplace
What song lyrics would you want on your gravestone?
If you were a cursed object what would you be?
The last food you ate has a profound impact on the future of humanity, are we doomed or saved?
What are the best Chicago Rooftops and Why?
An old friend showed me the tattoos she does on herself...
Help me name this sweet girl who I found on the side of the road
What was the first major news story you remember as a child?
What’s the most awkward thing that’s ever happened to you during an intimate moment?
"It's an art style" he said
You just woke up and one hundred years have passed. What are you asking first?
She needs a name
People who didn’t hate their first job, what was it?
If you could be one celebrity for a day, who would it be?
What are some things that annoying dudes can yell instead of "LET'S GO" during sporting events?
Family said it was ugly but I think she’s very gorgeous!
Whats a beautiful girl name to you ?
What name would you give him?
what’s your signature scent? (perfume, cologne, etc.)?
What motivates you to get up and go to work every morning?
If you could invent a new way to greet people that wasn’t a handshake or hug, what would it be?