How to quiet down a loud turbine.
New bow! Cosmetic damages?
TIL that if you hit a star picket with an arrow, the arrow richochets backwards, the head falls off, and the nock comes loose.
Denim on Denim
My 15m home (literally) archery range. Can you spot the target?
Looking for gaming instances?
Portable bow press
Start of my backyard range
What target compound should I try next?
Belated form check: Me with my (at the time) brand new Hoyt Raider Intruder in December of 2000. I still have it, 24 years later, chilling on the wall. Compared to my modern Hoyt it is not really fun to shoot.
Wrist sling question
Made a small public range in my college dorm
What Weapons Are Ruined For You By Their Sound?
what's your favorite gun sound
Target bag question
Archery shot while hanging by hair from an axe
Damn nature
digiKam crashing suddenly.
Anyone ever gotten a tat in Cape Town, South Africa?
Shooters what's the highest you've scored
Question: Did my artist add more shading after the color?
________ is the answer to every question!
hi archery this is 3 years old but here's me shooting my 50lb longbow (now lost) at my phone
Some dude gave me $10 to tell him when he’s allowed to _____.
Who is the biggest wanker in the world?