Did you guys have to read Moby Dick in Highschool?
Is “Seppo” still used when referring to Americans or is it just some old man crap?
If you could erase one country from existence, it would be ______.
Are there any books/shows/films that take place in rural New England
What did the French soldiers think of the American colonial soldiers in the Revolutionary War?
This is getting real old
Is country music popular in Australia?
What would you say is the ultimate “Americana” movie?
What do you think of child leashes and how common is it?
Which states have the strongest sense of state pride?
To Americans who have met and talked to Canadians, do notice you any differences in our accents?
Is each state in Australia the same or is it culturally different/unique?
Is there still hunting in rural Massachusetts, despite strict gun laws?
Just a typical morning at the US Embassy in Ottawa, Canada
It do be like that haha
Which is more quintessentially American in your opinion. Cheeseburgers, Grilled cheese, or PB&J?
“B-but I thought murica was the most racist country in human history!”
America hating girl steals flag and throws it on ground
What Phenotypes can you see in actor, Zachary Arthur?
Where do I look like I’m from??
What were the purposes of Vikings raids?
Are Buskers a common thing in your city?
What is your dream movie you wanna make?
What a bunch of hypocrites