Movie therapists: Who got it right? Robin Williams in Good will hunting tops
Any American therapists learning more about the outside perspective of our country from non-U.S.-born clients?
Couples therapists?
When the job posting says $70,000 for AMFT, does one have to assume that it does not include supervision so it might be half of that?
Yesterday was the beginning (in so far as these things have discreet beginnings one can point to) of a new national mental health crisis
If notes weren't a legal/ethical requirement, would you still do them as thoroughly as you do now?
Name suggestions for her
SoCal fires 🔥
DAE notice that we don’t have a cell phone in our dreams?
How does this make you feel
What are some professional goals you have for yourself in 2025?
What do you say to the people-pleasing clients who say "omg I'm sorry for trauma-dumping all over you" ?
Freezing/going blank in sessions
Marriage and family therapist, what did you do to pass your exam?
Naming a private practice
What event divided your life into “before” and “after”?
You (probably) don’t have imposter syndrome
Client confessed love for me and then ended their life
DAE feel homesick when looking at stars in the night sky?
Has anyone seen the movie Freud’s Last Session on Netflix? Thoughts?
What niche thing do you love treating
How Are You Planning to Adapt to the Rapid Changes in Our Field?
One of the issues I've found with telehealth
People who are childfree and in 30's & 40's, what's your life like ? Are you happy with this decision?
I really fucked up