Legion of Skanks: Ant and Jimmie talk about the end of O&A
Donate to Help Shannon Lee Replace Her Boobs
What do you think of this style of bcm?
Let me have it
Talk me out of an ACOG
What is it?
I like these shows, any suggestions?(the order is random)
New Grip Colors at Magpul
Holosun K pins
we need more regz yo
Top Red Dot & Holographic Sights Under $500
who do you think may return in the royal rumble
Thoughts on The Hateful Eight?
What’s your favorite shot from any movie?
Barrel off center
Forget Zodiac signs, which Woodman's entrance are you using?
What is a movie that you could watch countless times and never get tired of it?
G48 Aimpoint coa in stock online
What TV show or movie is basically propaganda?
Vortex Sparc AR worth $117? And is it a good red dot?
I wasn’t a “trigger snob” until I got the MBT-2S.
I feel like I’ve watched every good show
Sig Romeo x pro
What is the best written comedy you've ever seen?