My problem with the mutant’s design isn’t that it’s ugly or weird, it’s that instead of something unique or creative it’s yet another generic uninspired long-limbed SciFi monster.
Can someone here please explain something to me?
Is it just me or anyone else would like to forget about high school years?
Who's A Character You've Always Wanted To See Fight Godzilla?
What do you think "the big final battle" of Rebirth will be like?
How many lessons do you complete in a day?
So does Manilla's atomic ring actually do any damage?
Which is the movie that brings back nostalgia for you?
Who is it?
Most "undeserving" Hall of Famers?
Who wishes Rexy beat the Giga by herself?
Should R-Truth win a World Title?
Prepare to die
What do you think happened
What if the Mens Royal Rumble Winner chose the other Champion?
Communicating with friends on Duolingo
A thought about the Spinosaurus
Oh No, I'm trending downwards 📉
What are those things that wrestling fans do or say that annoys you
What do you think is the scariest shot in the franchise?
I Like This Hall Of Fame Concept!
This is just insulting.
The one true “cuck face”
Realistically, how long do you see the Monsterverse lasting?
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