why is kayle played top instead of mid?
and my KDA is not even the best part of this game, ı got a quadra. my best jhin match so far, ım thinking of framing it.
What champion do you most hate having on your team in a ranked game?
are mages better than ADCs ?
is draven unfair to other ADCs?
is jhin bad right now?
why is yone made to be strong at every part of the game?
is aniva hard or just bad?
How many control wards should I buy per game
does fiddlesticks require the enemy team to play bad?
advices for a new lillia player?
is diana better for ranking up ?
How do i play this champion?
what do ı do when the enemy jungler starts living inside my jungle
what is the best rune and build for fiddlesticks right now
is jhin played more like a support than an adc?
which champions graves can't invade
How strong is kindred in your opinion?
graves needs buffs
What was your “I get it” mental click in top lane?
ım tired of seeing same champions every match
what is this champions weakness ?
[Art] Messmer Fanart by me
blue kayn
is graves worth learning?