I am so scared
Ljudi sto nam je?
Cekanje odobrenja kredita?
Histeriziranje oko tragedije u Zagrebu
Coming to NYC?
My bf (20m) hit me (21f) for the first time. Any advice?
Not reciprocating
Ljudi parkirali na busnu stanicu, autobus moro stat na sredinu ceste (r/mildlyinfuriating materijal)
What cocktail would you use to gage a bartender's skill?
Lack of object constancy and emptiness
Otkud ste podrijetlom?
Hva er din favoritt øl i Norge?
I broke up with my boyfriend because the sparks were gone
Why you shouldn’t send that apology text
What's your super power?
[Svalbard] might be my favourite place on earth. Got to spend the whole day yesterday from dawn to dusk looking for wildlife. The light this time of year is beautiful
Stop me from texting her
If you wanna change one thing at your coffee shop as a barista, what would you change?
My 34 M girlfriend 32 F of 12 years said no when I proposed to her. what I do?
Thinking of Moving to Norway - Any Nice Towns with Snow?
My BF broke up with me today
Made this one too. Anyone relate?
that feeling when the caffeine addiction you developed to combat one mental disorder starts exacerbating the other mental disorders