Defense Stats question.
AOE levelling as a mage. Viable in TWOW?
Is Stormwind Vaul dead
Addon/Macro to switch targets as Tank?
Did i really waste my time with farming tin & copper?
Server first Hardcore Battleguard Sartura kill by
Affliction warlock
HC on Tel Abim
AITA for not upgrading my gear every time and running 5mans?
The community ...
RP Walk Glyph
(Work in Progress) My own take on a beginner/casual guide to twow.
Current Shaman Situation/Speccs?
What to do when not raiding?
BigTex 39 Twink Shaman. Where my fellow Twinks at? Get wrecked XD
So uh... does Rexxar aggro on sight now? It's the 6th ally HC character I see die to Rexxar and Misha in the last few days, and lots of it on /hc and world chan.
60 now what?
AIO every post on this sub is driving me insane???
Vegan leveling challenge
Was letzte Platzmacher? War übrigens für 185€ inseriert …
Me and my friends are looking into Turtle WoW for the first time, and we wondered: How is the Class Balance compared to Vanilla classic?
Was 10 minuten keine Antwort
Was letzte Berlin liegt in Polen.
How would you personally rank classes best to worst ?