Who is a democrat that you think would have the highest chance of being elected president in 2028 if they ran?
Top comment removes a state. Day 2
What former President would win in the biggest landslide if they ran again?
Who is your go to YouTube commentator for Jets news?
If Sanders or Cam Ward fall to our spot, do we take one?
$15, build your best QB/RB/WR/WR/TE lineup
The Athletic give the Reds offseason a 'B' grade.
How many pull ups could y’all do when you were in and how many can you do if you hopped on a bar right now?
Thoughts on this?
What are your thoughts?
What does Gen Z consider the "greatest rivalry" in sports?
Looks like the VA is fixing to get a whole lot worse...
What if every single president ran against each other?
People that make 80k+ at 25-35 years old, what do you do?
Why are most old people conservative if there was so much social upheaval spearheaded by them when they were young ?
Frustrated Democrats near their Tea Party moment: 'This is not okay'
I’ve seen a few local orgs posting this and I’ll be participating!
Current 2025 free agent QBs with Rodgers likely gone
[Schultz] Davante Adams likely gone.
Who Was The Starting Jets Quarterback When You Were Born?
Democrats May Shut Down Government to Keep Trump From Gutting It
Start doing something
A big one is coming. Are we going to just let this happen?
So in the case the Americans who voted AGAINST the elections turn outs and all goes to absolute shit, where are the American Refugees going?