(45F)I'm a size queen but...
People who can have multiple orgasms, how do you know when you're done?
I (45F) am a reddit hookup slut and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon
Just poured my coffee. How you taking yours?
Would you rather sex only ever lasted five minutes or only ever lasted five hours?
How many times do you orgasm during sex?
how long does it usually take you to orgasm
With one word how would you describe your body?
i let him fk me just to prove a point
Saw this at an art exhibition
I (45F) want 2 or 3 boyfriends that live together to fuck all the time
Waxed, shaved, trimmed or natural?
Have you hooked up with someone from reddit, if yes how was it?
Do I (25M) put too much value on texting my (24F) gf?
What gives you a brain boner?
(28m) I have an abnormally large penis. AMA
My boyfriend (M20) spends his life on videogames (literally, +10h/day) and I (F18) don't know how to help him
if a ur guy 19/M cant block his friend ( a girl ) for making u 18/F uncomfy what does it mean?
I'm [45F] with an incredibly high sex drive since I was 20 and I'm very into hookup culture
I 23F destoyed my relationship with my bf 23M, what do you think about that ?
(27F) Guys when you jerk off where do you come?
My(19M) girlfriend(18F) is being really immature and it is causing a lot of problems. How to solve this?
Sending nudies for uppies
I’ll send the video to those who upvote 😉