Project 1, Day 18: I'm recreating all first generation Pokemon in Minecraft using only coloured concrete powder and stained glass blocks, to achieve a much richer colour palette. What do you think?
If you were a professor, which three pokemon would you offer as possible starters?
I'm recreating Gen V Pokemon sprites in Minecraft. If you'd like to see your favourite in this format, let me know!
I'm recreating Pokemon sprites using _only_ coloured concrete and stained glass on top. Who else would you like to see?
25 years ago my older sister came to pick me up from kindergarten. She told me excitedly she recorded a 'new' cartoon on VHS, so I can watch it. That was the day I fell in love with Pokemon. Now, close to 30, I found it on Netflix again. I wonder how many of you can relate :')
I'm recreating Gen V Pokemon sprites in Minecraft using only coloured concrete and stained glass, to achieve a more aesthetic look than what's possible with other methods. These five were Your requests. The ones I thought will be hard were easy, and vica versa... huh! Who would you like to see next?
I'm recreating Gen V. Pokemon sprites in Minecraft using only coloured powder and stained glass, to achieve a more aesthetic look than what's possible with other methods. These five were Your requests. Three of them are shinies this time! Who would you like to see next?
Here is the next batch of Pokemon sprites in Minecraft using concrete and glass. This round was quite challenging, and many of the colours are not perfect, but I tried my best to do them justice!
I'm recreating Pokemon sprites in Minecraft using only coloured powder and stained glass, to achieve a more aesthetic look than what's possible with other methods. Is there a Pokemon you would like to see created this way?
Minecraft Pixel Art as per your requests! Using only concrete and glass! (I could only do 5 so far, but the rest is in progress)
OC Working on a project, to recreate all first generation pokemon in minecraft, using only coloured powder and stained glass, to have more variety in colours. For those, who are not familiar w minecraft pixel art, there are 16 colors only, or you need to use inconsistently textured blocks. Thoughts?
I'm recreating Pokemon sprites in Minecraft using only coloured powder and stained glass, to achieve a more aesthetic look than what's possible with other methods. What do you think? Is there a Pokemon you would like to see created this way? [Dragapult was the request of Glimglamglam]
I'm recreating all first generation pokemon in minecraft, using only coloured powder and stained glass, for more colours
Is there a character you hated at first but then started to like?
Why Moltres?
I've just begun picking up Scala, as I already know Java and would like to work as a Data Engineering team. I feel that while it is improving me as a programmer, and I enjoy it, I also have a dire need to be a little career oriented and pragmatic. Is it necessary or is Python sufficient?
Any advice on recording with other people in the house?
Top 10 Anime of the Week #3 - Winter 2025 (Anime Corner)
Gosh, I love my Beedrill so much!
6 days and a slight loss of sanity but the shiny lad is mine!😭
Refactoring 022 - Extract Common Ancestor
Does Arven carry a waffle maker ?
Some Minecraft resprites I'm working on!