Can anybody identify this guitar?
Why is Jimi Hendrix frozen in c carbonate 😭😭
Super Bowl numbers are an irrelevant concept. I’ve watched 80% of the Super Bowls in the last quarter century and couldn’t tell you what number any of them were.
Guitar Fact: Jimi Hendrix has not made any concert appearances since 1970
Guitar tab websites have annoying ads. Use TabZen
My bird is my biggest critic. Is this normal?
Midlife crisis? What are you talking about?
1.6m subscribers, doesn't try to sell you shit, doesn't yell at clouds... outjerked by pure talent.
Overhyped US made guitars don't play in time
Strat check all jazz and single cut enthusiasts look away
The hell he means by this?
What guitar do you keep in your sword room? (Peasants without a sword room do not interact)
Why is MusicIsWin wasting his time trying to explain toan to an idiot bass player that clearly doesn't understand. Is he stupid?
You guys also gon a get high and fuck your guitars on valentines day?
Screw the metal zone, this is the greatest pedal in existence
Synister Gates new guitar design.
can someone identify this guitar for me?
Is it normal to for a 6th month old saddle to need a shim?
Is any comment actually needed? What do you think they did after the photo shoot?
Warner Bros. Releases 31 Free Movies on YouTube, none of the movies are currently on Max and the list has everything from horrors, to sci-fi, classic movies and drama
Willie Nelson shreds
toan is in the tire tracks
/uj - Why r/guitar sucks so much?
Boner Master listens to humping for good Boan
Have you seen this up and coming guitar player's about page?