Is it really so much to ask for a functional teammate💔
Afk mastery farmers are ruining the game and supercell hasn't done anything about them except the 10K dmg requirement which doesn't even work and sometimes ruin for people who actually win in gamemodes like knockout.
How do you react if Hannah became a premerge boot?
If ONC wants to continue making spinoffs, then TomJake is really their only viable option.
is anyone gonna talk about how a child has more health than a fully grown man
Who is the one person you are CERTAIN is merging
Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and Ivy injured Anastasia?
Smartest R-T, Chester, Colt, Squeak, and Mandy in history.
Are students really that dumb
What if we had 10v10 in Brawl Stars?
What brawler do you hate the most because of thier design
Who will be the returnee? (post-EP7)
Juan Carlos was a good random.
With the helicopter theory being at this point being real these are def the mergers
An upvote can mean two things...
Nah man, this poor girl is legit cursed at this point.
If this was at higher trophies, then I most likely would have lost.
Jared’s response to a tweet about what more is there for Tomjake to do in a possible season 2
I hate hate hate HAAAAAAATE Tick randoms in Wipeout 5v5!
I'm not mad, just disappointed
I have a feeling ONC will do a random elimination just to act superior again
What in the world are those names?
Not a hate post, but am I the only one that doesn’t really like Melodie’s icon picture?
4 horsemen of bad randoms