Fanfiction Pet Peeves
Just a couple of goobers by Timpiste_
Question: What kind of costumes would our favorite characters wear and why?
Timeskip really changed my boy 😔
Any thoughts on this "Multipurpose ship" (Battleship, cargo carrier, blimp carrier)
finnish battlecruiser, HFMS Kaarle I
Japanese Battleship Wakakusa
Warships in Gate
All smiles
Why is the center 120mm gun turret on the Gulio Cesare/Novorossiysk bigger than the other two? The guns are the exact same so why is one turret bigger than the rest?
Man that last enemy is really determined to get "Solo Warrior"
I love gimmicks
3 ships different build styles
What premiums would you NOT choose?
What premiums would you choose?
Avenger class super dreadnought
Opened about 10 big and 25 small santa containers... 1 good drop and a single ship - THIS. Apparently it has 12 inch guns at tier 8, Im so dissapointed, especially after seeing people get Smaland, Rhode Island, Smolensk and such.
Ranked Games (AzulCrescent)
[OC] Ranked Games
Guys is that a triple turret Nagato?
Anybody else have an irrational dislike of some bots?
Wargaming employees first (I assume) ranked matched against a Libertad, 2024, colorized
UPDATED Alpha Dreadnought
Time Stop JAV Q&A 4
Meme I thought of
What brawling BB to buy?