Can someone explain the rationale behind the western square aspect?
Starting from Scratch
What do you think are indicators of depression/mental health issues natal or by transit?
Essential Dignities
If squares are of the nature of Mars does that mean squares that involve Mars are extra Mars-y/ extra intense?
Why are most critiques against anarchism so bad?
A lot of peregrine planets in a chart - native not feeling well in the world?
Significance of house size
Getting out
What happens if I don’t pay them back?
Indicators that a native will not have children?
Disco/House/Funk Scene Missing
Solar Return Charts and Eclipses
Sub Top?
House is unaspected by its ruler, what now?
Saturn coming back to the same natal degree at 0 years old? (not Saturn return)
St. John's Wort Experiment
Seriously need a better way to keep minors off these apps
When astrologers say "Angular planets are more powerful/ prominent/ potent" are they talking about planets that are actually conjunct the Ascendant, MC, Descendant and IC or do planets generally in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th count too?
The Moons Nodes and Epigenetics
Best herbs for depression and anxiety? Preferably fast acting
Difference between the 3H and 9H
Astrology at granular level
St. John’s wort and chamomile
Why did the recent Full Moon feel so harsh?