What video has made you laugh recently?
What's a movie you wish you could watch again for the first time?
Why are you not changing for the best right now?
What superpower do you want?
What animal hasn’t been domesticated yet?
Losercity RealmoftheMadGod
Favorite character that have regenerative healing factor
Which Hazbin character makes you go like this?
Favorite character named after an object or concept?
Favorite “We”?
Favorite mature female characters?
Favorite crashout character?
Favorite mother character
Favorite character who make you say that
favorite character(s) who cant speak?
Superpowers used for mild conveniences
What should I name this?
What phrase annoys you when hear it?
What are looking forward to?
Every once in awhile my old man would go and eat some of my chips(he doesn’t buy them himself because he’s frugal).
Nilou at the beach (by 七草よもぎ)
If every time you sneezed, something random happened, what’s the worst possible effect?
When a character says a line that sounds full of themselves (doesnt have to be but my examples do), but is foreshadowed to actually be true.
What do like to talk about whenever the chance arises?
Why do you not drink alcohol?