Just wanted to share
Issue after tinkering with NVMe hat
best mk2 tt carplay unit?
Wake up, take some acid, go to sleep, dream. Thoughts?
Accidentally drove onto my AirPods..
Heavy steering.
What is this weird sound?
How I make it faster? Mk2
Happy VR6 timing reading, happy me 😇
What can be done here?
MK2 TTS vs 3.2L Reliability
Mk2 3.2l : suspect noise when cold
Update from yesterday 3.2l : It’s on the accessories 😇
Is the Mk2 TT a good and practical daily driver?
First car I bought on my own!
Forgot the right one in a plane. Meh… bye I guess👋🏼
Need to rent a house for 1 month
Anyone got some REALLY trippy song suggestions
Mac Pro 2009 (4.1 -> 5.1) wont boot.
Is it still worth going for a TTS if I specifically DON’T want Magride and I’m not overly concerned with HP?
Anyone have the RS-Style Honeycomb grill?
Cheap mods for TT?
Update from earlier post
WIFI antenna wires?
3.2l 6cyl Mk2 - Squeeqing noise near the belt