Need help calming this panicking Mongol.
Can anyone tell me what does second glyph means? Or explain it, if you can not single it out.
was machen männer
What game? (Wrong answers only)
Something I own
What is this country? Wrong answers only
Problematic Tsuka & Looking for expert opinion !
Better pictures of my nihonto
Cold steel sword
My Katana and Tanto
Buying my first "real" katana, need help.
Fundoshi of Yarikawa
Quality advice
Antique or just antique looking
Found this cool mask
I would be interested to know what this hamon style on my Tanto is called:
Which ending did you choose
Samurai armour, supposedly from the Tokugawa clan.
What is this game called? [Wrong answers only]
The Secret Final Boss
Fast eine Jahre ohne Haarschnitt. Sollte ich meine Haare schneiden? (M27)
With the game coming this year, more news should be on the way!
What are some features you want to see in ghost of yote?