Store’s closed lil’ bro~[redrain]
Just gonna leave this here.
You seen the new flying anks
What's an anime you thought you wouldn't like but ended up liking.
Show me how old u guys are on Reddit
It's been almost 2 years already
Who else belongs in what other categories?
How are these ads allowed on YT shorts?
He is apparently 15 🤣
How good would razor wire/barbed wire as a defense against zombies?
It makes sense
Who would you cast in a Rainbow Six movie?
dino tlc anyone?
kid thinks he's packgod
Guys 😳
This is Sinosauropteryx. Should I Submit it For Lost Island? Not Sure It'd Be Too OP
Thoughts on this
Be kind to other players :-)
Why Iron Man never made a suit for these two? They literally fought against aliens with handguns and bow and arrows
What would you do if Yuki was your sister?
Beyond hyped for when he eventually drops. What class would he be
What thing would convince which hero to join the Avengers?
Getting rid of a bunch of keys I don't really care for
Let's go fishing with Qingyi.
Mom deals with my bully (notenoughmilk)