More watch-alongs/commentary
Just a little something I made.
Over 400 people watching on Youtube. 20 Likes...
Does anybody know the exact model that Kirk’s guitar here is? Also what pickups are in it?
This line is so underrated. It makes me sort of emotional whenever I get to it.
Rocco’s back with Rooster Teeth
[H] PayPal [W] Legacy Breakdown (Cartoon Accurate Version)
Is it true Kirk didn't record any rhythm guitars until Load
Giving Away My Mega64 Collection
Kirk Hammer
I was there for the 90s and all, so always understood just how accurate a lot of things like VG Fact Checkerz were. Despite that fact, I never thought I'd come across an official NIntendo video that encapsulated every possible meme,
Familiar face at the Nuremberg Toy Fair 2025 Brand Mascot Parade
Thoughts on Through The Never?
Can anyone help me find these clothes or something similar?
I can only assume this article is about Garrett
The full 720p clip of the Padres Rap.
I thought this shot of Johnny against the pink wall during the What’s In The Box challenge was really striking
Compiling a music playlist for Mega64: The Room stream
Is Kirk using a Kramer in this clip???
James Les Paul
It is a Period of Civil War
Any information on this CD?
Should Rocco call the clown girl on a date?
Pierrot le Fou