I’m so tired of modern slavery.
M,24, straight, fresh outta the military, never lived alone before.yes my toilet glows in the dark.
What is the most underrated Charli track
Gold or silver, which suits me better?
Type “Today I swallowed a” and let autocomplete do its thing
Local artist, shop refuses to fix it
Some customers are just inconsiderate
AIO to this guy I’ve known for a month, never met in person no
AIO trying to school this guy on what my own sentence meant?
Can somebody please tell me what i’m missing in this shelf? 🤔
Noel’s new bf…?
AIO, boyfriend delayed/bailed on evening plans to have impromptu dinner with friends family
Why do some millennials think it's an insult
AIO bf of 9 years caught cheating
AIO my manager has made some weird comments towards me and I am unsure if it’s actually inappropriate
Are they serious..?
AIO for giving this response to someone calling themselves unattractive?
AIO My bf slept with his ex and talked to her recently and I’m trying to get over it and move forward. He’s mad at how I started overthinking and presented it to him.
AIO: roommate put clothes in the dryer before leaving for hours and is pissed i moved it
AIO - gf had a really disrespectful conversation with her friend about me
AIO husband (44m) started sending me facetiousness messages
AIO for wanting to end my relationship over this text exchange?
Smile 2's ending kinda ruins the movie. (Spoilers, don't read unless you watched the movie)
Am I overreacting? Boyfriend hasn’t answered in 8hrs