02.05.25: So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!
Is the mallard creek / this area good
What's up with all the Chris Bledsoe propaganda?
A game of tag with nature's arm, an ethereal orb, a harmless charm?
Orb uses tree branch to play peekaboo 🤨
Probe at it again
I've got some numbers I'm uncomfortable with.
Stress Inoculation - How to Trigger a Fight or Flight Biological Response for Increased Psionic Ability
Black History Month colors
My life path can’t be further from the truth :(
Orb Trickster: Denial and Fear
What do you think?
Thoughts on random thought in my mind?
Tirade Tuesday! Let's Do This!
What is definitely not a sign of intelligence but people think it is?
A man recorded an unidentified dark object flying over the city of Los Angeles, California, United States, last night, January 26, 2025. According to him, this black object hovered in the sky without making a sound.
Electrical tingling in my arms and upper torso
Esoteric Human Anatomy: Geometry & consciousness, sacred wisdom of the serpent
What is he saying to her?
I think the true reality of what's going on with aliens is going to be a lot harder to accept than most people think
These “orbs” are not something to play with
Woman has an eleven minute interaction with her orb buddy
Dream analysis: I’m in a classroom and there’s poop falling from ceiling