I played for almost 400 hours before i realized the bloodhounds fang had an extra ability
Who was the first death that actually made you sad?
I finally beat Melenia!!
Malenia statue
Why…like just why?
What would you do
Which weapon first made you go, "wow this wrecks!"
What is your signature weapon?
stuck in hero’s grave
View of downtown Boise from our hotel room 😍
Tbh the most underrated item in the game
I never expected whips to be this effective against Malenia. They interrupt most of her moves it's hilarious. If you have trouble with her, try whipping her
Shots fired near (at?) Mormon church on Cassia and Curtis
I want to r*pe my wife and I want to know if there is anything in my religion telling me it’s ok to do.
Consent within Nikah ...
Any tips on breaking the seperation anxiety? I need to go to stuff without her following me 24/7. Photo for attention :) (her name is maple)
precious little majestic blem
Albertson's sells vodka now.
Elephant giving birth.
Just loafin 😎
what do i do? i’m 16 and i can’t work today. i put on my availability i could only work friday
My precious little 15 year old squeaker 🥹
Lost my boy today 😢. May his soul rest in peace. He will be so sorely missed.
My cat doesn’t like wet food?!?!
vet has charged me 3 times unknowingly.. what can I do?