My experience with shadow people
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
Friend’s life ruined due to AI auto-ban.
Only getting 100 MBPS, sometimes less on gigabit plan
What’s a common thing people say that makes no fucking sense?
Has your TV bill increased in 2 years?
vaping is so corny
Random searches on my PC that I never searched up
What’s the craziest way to store files?
Xumo stream box freezes
Are there still teenagers that never vaped/smoked, drank alcohol, had sex or did any drugs
Wut song r u listening to right now ? If ur not listening to a song then wat did u last listen to ??
really sexy title take 2
18F Never been asked out, how cooked am I?
comment on this post and i will tell you what crime you would commit
Pirating has better quality than the actual streaming sites
Problems streaming off of multiple sites?
My Son wants Minecraft
22F, I don’t get approached or asked out by men. Am I ugly, is there something off with my face or the way I present myself?
Puerto Rican brother is a Trump supporter.
Mine is "I am not gay but I think I'm in trouble for the next week" 🤣
Hello r/teenagers, I have a superflat world and a free day. I’ll build every SFW comment.
Issues with Regional restrictions and forced parental controls stopping me from buying robux.