Old lady or 1 year old boy 😂
Been trying headscarves while wearing my hair up 🫶🏽
Was trying to go for the earthy girl vibe 😙
Trying out headscarves and bandanas this week ☺️
4 month old kitten is eating less?
I never knew he was a hugger until he met kids🥹🥰🐾
Another safety pin diy 😋🧷
You could never make me hate a Safety Pin DIY hehe 🧷😌
Just something fun and cute hehe, Whiskers! 😸
My first time wearing my first pair of heels!! I love that converse came out with these!
Cut a few Locs shorter in the front and I love how it give a bangs effect 😚
I love taking “masculine” clothes and feminizing it like this ole wife beater 😙
An oldie but a goodie! Love taking Amazon wigs and emo-fying them hehe cut by me :3
Wanted to show off my sweet girl 🐈⬛
Just purchased my first kitten Razz. Love him he smells like crap though. Can I shower him? How should I shower him?
I really liked this new outfit ❤️ I'm just so happy, my real hair has never been this long before and it's just the start 😊
A few quick sketches to get warmed up to drawing consistently again 😚
There's always something in an outfit you like way too much, these shorts are definitely it 🥰
Amazon wig I dyed, cut and styled myself myself
Lil DIY! I looove wearing tanks so I grabbed a ole wife beater, riped it up and added Safety Pins!
With or without glitters ? (^-^)
There’s just something I adore about stripes lol 😅 it’s so grunge
Some of my favourite looks in the last 2 years
Went out in public as a girl for the first time!!!!