In need of…
Which 3 are you picking?
So me some of your favorite areas you have decorated on your island! 🏝️ 💕 😊 I’ll go first!
free DIYs!
what should be the new animal species for future villagers ?
Do you listen to the hourly music outside of the game? (6pm and 9am from New Horizons the best imo 😁)
My girlfriend is threatening to break up with me unless I get a circumcision
Breaking up with my girlfriend but can’t afford a new apartment
My mom has been living in my studio with me for 5 months and she won’t get a job or move out.
Should I tell my fried that his girlfriend was not being abused but actually having an affair?
Do I ask her to be my GF
im scared im going to be forced to be a caregiver
looking for a street lamp diy recipe! will be willing to pay up to 20,000 for it!
My roommate “accidentally” locked me out overnight
i think my boyfriend want to make me into soup. What should i do?
Free DIYs/Fossils
Need fruits!
box-shaped seat DIY recipe (or two)
In need of star fragments
Is there a way to skip the credits when listening K.K. Slider songs on Saturday night?
Never seen fog on my island before!
Well fuck…
The first time I have ever been denied a relocation request!
Need NMT