Not Sure How to Feel About This...
As Multiversus is shutting down, I decided to make what my ideal roster would have been.
Happy happy joy joy!! Ren and Stimpy come ranked in at #20! Comment what show should came ranked in at #21 - Day 21
Sometimes I wish I could experience the rose-colored glasses they wear
I know Megas XLR was written off for taxes by WB back in the day, but does that mean they can't use the IP at all?
Thoughts on Time Squad?
Incorrect sonic quotes (1) - Barbie-lon Rogues. [ Art by me ]
Lance and Ilana were they end game in the show?!
Dexter and Jimmy Neutron Art Swap
The 20 Greatest Cartoon Network Shows: Day 18
VICTORY FOR ZIM!!! Invader Zim comes ranked in at #14! Comment below what show should come in at #15 - Day 15
In regards to Team RWBY's battle dynamics, what are your thoughts on the idea of writing Yang to be (consistently) the strongest member of her team?
It's gonna take some time to realign 🎵🎶 Drake and Josh make it to #11! Comment below what show should rank in at #12 - Day 12
The 20 Greatest Cartoon Network Shows: Day 15
Shadow watching RWBY V9.
Two boys and a mask of mischief
Which cn website era was the best
Why is Johnny test cancel for being “ abusive and dangerous “ but spongebob is literally teaching us to steal cars, beat up old people and etc smh.
Is it true? I do I do I do-oooo!! Kenan and Kel land on spot #9! Comment below to rank show #10 - Day 10
Be honest. What do you think about the representation in RWBY?
Mister Terrific VS Mister Fantastic (DC VS Marvel) - "That Man Is..."
The 20 Greatest Cartoon Network Shows: Day 9
Would it have been better if Team RWBY weren't romantically involved with anyone and remained a sisterhood?
The 20 Greatest Cartoon Network Shows: Day 6
The 20 Greatest Cartoon Network Shows: Day 4