Beyond or Dream on Me, from a practical sense it is not much different.
Its best for my mental health to sell my collection and focus on something else. All my cards for sale at a huge discount. I would say its worth $4,500. Just gimme $2,000 and you’ll never have to worry about me again
Just Now On Twitter, BBBY and Buy Buy Baby. What's Going On?
Baby back with BBBY.
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm
WTS Master Series 2 Set + Bonus: Full Base Series 1 & 3 including SP’s.
Didn't think I'd ever get one, drumrolls please
Don't bring up your trades in an interview
S2 MASTER set + S1 & S3 full base sets with SP’s as BONUS
Shame this eBay seller!
BTC found
What happening 👀
Can someone explain this like im 5?
WTS: Redemption Card $450 shipped/insured
New RC Filing..
Sir, they are celebrating the anniversary of the Sneeze!
Is it possible tomorrow really is THE tomorrow? I have been wondering because 1/28 seemed so perfect but lets not forget DFV was late to his livestream & I know someone said a countdown from the Futurama post would have 1/28 at 0 but maybe after 0 its "go" maybe im reaching but what do you think?
If you want confirmation, look no further than the PCR—
[WTB] complete base sets of S1 and S2
Im a broke college student living off of cup noodles and I put the rest of my savings into buying this dip of a lifetime. #InHuangWeTrust🚀
They’ll never understand
GameStop on X
I don't think RK DRS'd. I think RK is still making another U reference and is waiting for t+35.
Obligatory hype meme LFG!!