this is Thelma… shes very stupid
Finally part of the club! /s
What song is playing?
Protect her from what?
So what do you put in them?
Live Action!?! Yes please!!!
I like these shows, any suggestions?(the order is random)
What game is this for you?
Can you get me a Coke?
Question: Got a Bobby hill tattoo for absolutely not reason. What else should I get to go with it?
what do you rate this palette out of ten?
what does mine say about me
"tHe LEfT aRe iNdOcTrInAtInG oUr kIDs"
Meet Franklin Cuddlesworth
Horse names
What song?
Can this attitude be considered fruitcake?
What is your favorite place you’ve ever been to?
It’s Martha Zuckerberg now
How am I supposed to get perfect jackrabbit pelt and a perfect rattlesnake skin?
Insta artist- just looks like they’re grubby imo
Should this be a minecraft painting
Am I The Only One Who Did Chapter 5 In Less Then An Hour
Am I crazy to think this cat loves me?
Kaizen Gaming - Semi Vanilla