Is this character design too much?
Her velsignes kyllingen før den slaktes
Is there a game similar to Path of Exile but in a roguelike?
Rema 1000 dropper Æ-navnet
Taxi fra Sola til sentrum, evt flybuss?
Riki support is great
Would a Single-Player TCG Game work in today's Online-Driven World?
WoW beginner, tips?
With Deadlock addiction I want to dip into Dota 2, any hero like Lash?
Games to play with one hand
Broke Boy Build?
Riki4, Diffusal always?
Blood mage build suggestions
Pros and Cons of Day Night Cycle from a budgetary POV
It's so strange to just not be able to play the game I like...
Is this realistic enough to fool someone?
Metroid only gets it right
Immortal Bracket
I hope the next patchs focus more on improvements than nerfs
How do you counter a high ground WD with aghs plus glimmer?
Launched my online multiplayer game on steam but worried about no players
Best hero for all positions
This game is being developed by a Japanese high school student. Please give me some advice. If you have a chance, please try playing the game!
Oooh, hot hot hot hot hot
Exquisite road show on new year's eve WCGW
Exoterra Gameplay: High-Speed Hovercar Racing Meets Sci-Fi Adventure