Why is this group chat going so accurate?
What happened to the Entropy Zero character at the end of the first game?
Sago durum videosu(OC)
Favorite character that appeared in your dreams?
Who do you think has the coolest voice?
Drew this in school today :3
Lab Practicum makes this the best part of the game imo
Favorite 'couple' villain or antagonist?
Ur fav bot?
Why won't the site allow me to start a new chat? It says "Character unavialable" but it's still on the list and I can chat with it. I just want to restart my story.
Artık ciddileşiyorum (Sıkı yönetim)
Why does a toy company have a GRINDER?
I really hope they take their time with chapter 5, even a delay is possible
Cemal ve faji mecliste kavga ediyor
Hunter i drew in school
Outher heaven olarak muttefimiz xof a yapılan bu iftiraları kınıyoruz
Atv süren adam
Do we trust?
Hepinizi Bebino Meydanı’na bekleriz
Favorite Villains?
Favorite character who is cute, but evil.
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