The stairway to heaven is just one massive leak. Horseshoe egg, new areas, and invisible barrier?
whats everyone at?
well this event has been a bit lucky for me..
Got all pets from the card event, collection complete again. this guys very generous for giving this
gg, did you get one?
almost got all pets from this event
omg bro
what is the chance of this!?!/
very cool pet
almost got all pets from this event fr
so happy my favorite pets are being added (pog pets)
best so far in 8 hours afk, but didnt get anymore shiny retro
Only 54 exist.
not bad for 8 hours afk
I hit max coins
am I going crazy or these things are really easy to get?
Just came across this in the plaza
Why am I having a hard time selling these huges
wonder how many alts this guy has
FINALLY GOT ONE!!! it was cheaper than the shiny valentine unicorn :)
lol my top most expensive stuff aren't even huges
I finally found 1 but its a little out of my price range lol
Finally got one for my collection. people are starting to pay 2b+ now!
Does anyone have these 4? If you have pls write how much you want. (Write a normal amount of gems.)
dm me if u have this