Best nerf proof bots
Swap codes
Is it rare?
and the crowd is… confused??
Bug or big brain?
Anyone got a spare id?
i might be finished
I Finished Shadow Fight Shades So You Don't Have To
How do i get the monk set
If you could get 1 free skin, which one?
Which would be better
Comment 1 quote that your hero say in game and let the others guess the hero. I will start.
So what’s your favourite skin? (unowned/owned)
Extermination reward nerf was nerfed (but it’s still worse than it used to be)
Patch Notes 1.8.60 - Adv. Server
What are some of the most difficult chapters to complete?
Yeah Balmond buff seems balanced
Okay so I noticed something new.
Unpopular opinion but...
Whats a hero you love on your team but hate playing against
Heroes you enjoy but just can’t seem to win with?