Looking for a nice restaurant with romantic ambiance for Valentines Day
Uneven, ptosis, hooded eyes
Minor subluxation of trachea
Just had to laugh
Non stop crying
Is this even a therapeutic red light?
Has anyone been diagnosed with or thought to have bipolar disorder?
Doctors in the area who are knowledgable about Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos?
All it would take is one misstep.
Where should I Hide?
Bright Winter or Cool Summer?
Help for depressed roommate
Look at this gem I thrifted for only $2.00 at my thrift store 😍
Bleeding for 20+ days after UFE
So overwhelmed
Urinary issues
What actions do you take when you notice the first signs of slipping into a depression?
Soooo does everyone do this?
50s Silk Halter Dress Today
Sand blasted eyes
If you had the opportunity to call your younger self for a few minutes, what would you say?
What color are my sisters eyes? Help us settle this argument
I put Brown on my ID, I don't think that's right.
Post-UFE Nerve Block for Pain - Relatively new, please read if you are considering UFE!
What does my art taste/smell like?